Originally Posted by Tom_440
Originally Posted by AndyF
I drove a 2014 Leaf for 5 years with no noticeable reduction in battery capability. Dealers were asking more for that car when I sold it than when I bought it. First time I've had a daily driver appreciate in value as I drove it. I traded it in recently for a 2020 Leaf. The 2020 has twice the range and significantly more power as well as a ton of extra features.

You got the good Leaf! I have a 2011 Leaf I bought used about 4 years ago for $3,500. Drove it a lot but down to 8 bars and driving to work and back on a single charge is iffy (Just 32 miles). Useless. With no thermal management that 24KW battery is a dog in the desert. The prior owner replaced the battery in 2017 and its due again. Dealer said they "might" warranty (or not), but also said a new battery in today's market is $15K. No thank-you.

Yeah, the Leaf's had big problems with heat. I live in Oregon and kept the car in a garage so it was protected from both heat and cold. I drove my Leaf for 5 years and the battery stayed at 11 bars the whole time I owned it. Range was always right around 70 miles fully charged. The range was too short to leave town, but I could run all my errands in town every day and then charge at night. I dated a gal who lived 15 miles away and it took about 60% charge to drive back and forth to her place so I had to keep the car charged up if I wanted to go see her.