I retired in May 33 yrs state retirement.

Rebuilt my 82 sportster and have 13,000 miles on it.

Helped my buddy build his 83 sportster from scratch. February-September then went up to NC to ride the Dragon .
318 turns in 11 miles...nations highest bike crash area...rode 4 times.

Come home and get T boned 3 blocks from my house.

Not a scratch any where on me but my leg took the hit.

Tib&fib broke at ankle

Tib Plato has hole in it

Tib&fib broke below knee with compound fracture.

2 surgerys plates screws to repair
3rd surgery to remove dead tissue around open wound.

Large open leg wound...wound vac & dressing changes every 4 days

Stiches come out ina week or two.

Still may need surgery for wound care.

Bike got some damage but not a single scratch on any painted surfaces.

Driver in turn lane making a u turn got me with driver front fender headlight grill on a big new caddy suv.