Originally Posted by Mr. Potatohead
I had to google overleveraged, ha ha, Im not super well off but have no debt or credit cards, pay cash, but recently have been using my debit card in public as I dont want back and forth bills. Still waiting for some ebay sellers to slack up on prices a bit and will then and if get some needed parts.

I have been slowly buying what is needed to finish my cars as items go on sale. For instance the Holley sale in December is IMO the only time to make major purchases if you can help it. The discounts are unreal. With supply chain issues on the horizon it seemed prudent to stretch my lunch money for a few months to get year/platform specific parts to finish projects in progress. No way am I going to start or purchase any major projects at this point. We started with nothing so every preserving what we have is a big focus. If anything a big smokey burnout is good for moral. : D