Ive always lived within my means, so this deal really wont impact me at all. If ya live like your semi poor all the time and stash cash there is only done direction to look at any given time and thats up.

I live well, older cars, no credit cards, and I have been stocking up on alot of NOS parts when I can get the deals I will slack off unless its an items I really really need.

If this lasts I think we might see some of these sky high nos guys slack up a bit OR unfortunately maybe there estate will liquidate them even cheaper.

Ive never wished for a economic downturn for my own selfish reasons but since it has happened I hope to acquire some needed things at a semi realistic fair price.

Although its very hard for me to sympathize with the ones who have burdened themselves with large house payments, 3 leased vehicles, ect. Never has there been a generation that has gone without a war or huge disaster.

My local car dealer is offering 1k and they will bring you a new car, 7 months no payments, 0% for 84 months, either way as a tax payer im gonna be paying for this deal.