I cant refi right now, would like to.... talked to bank and I have my 1/2 bathroom apart and shut the door, kinda forgot about it.... gotta finish that up before they will talk to me.... no kids in the house, so ambition hasn't been there. a shutdown at work and being stuck here might be what it takes to kick start that
My job has been deemed "essential" so it's "business as usual" at work except they cut my OT..... unless this $#!T somehow hits the fan for us.... I work for the State as a fleet mechanic, worried about the local parts sources being able to stay open (or not)

at home, last nite after work I pulled the trans out of my 99 Dakota to fix what started off as a "hiccup" in 2nd, just before it hits 3rd, now major slippage at the top of 2nd, basically a big neutral flare... the 1st couple times thru the gears when stone cold..... now does it after sitting from getting there when I go to lunch, and again when I leave to come home.....
want to go thru the hill-billy'd wiring on my 85 D150 that I recently bought (like a month ago), have yet to hear it run since getting it home. I did get me an exhaust manifold and installed on its slant 6, and have since found a Super 6 setup for it... that will go in IF it runs as it was claimed to when I bought it.... I also tripped on a 70s forged crank Slant 2 weekends ago, that I'd like to build up and experiment with as a turbo motor.... I wasn't looking, this one found me.... no hurry on that one, will buy parts as they find me, for what I want to pay.... not what everyone and their brother wants to charge.

also want to add the aux Autometer gauges on the Durango, check out its brakes (I know as of yesterday I have a bad rear wheel cylinder..... at 262K miles, not surprising)
and put the exhaust that was 2 months old when I gave up the 92 Dakota, onto my '96, its original muffler is dying.
I "should" clean up the disaster area of a garage, too. but ambition to clean it is almost never there... its more fun to work out there.....
and then there's a few garden tractors to play with, and the valve grinder that I got from my son's buddy that "found me" to get cleaned up, lubed up and working again.... got it back functional at least..so far.