Originally Posted by RWG75
Originally Posted by Mr. Potatohead
Ive always lived within my means, so this deal really wont impact me at all. If ya live like your semi poor all the time and stash cash there is only done direction to look at any given time and thats up.

My father was born in the early 20s which means he had pretty solid memories of living through the great depression of the 30s - in a family with 8 kids. Didn't share a lot of detail with me but I do recall him saying that the best way to get a meal was to go take it away from somebody else. That generation spent their life adhering to "never gonna happen to me again" and many were pretty tight with their money.

Being raised around that mentality is a mixed bag. On the serious downside is being just too damn tight with my money - to the point of not enjoying it anywhere near as much as I could have. On the major upside, I'm pretty well positioned to ride out anything short of a zombie apocalypse or nuclear armageddon.

Instant gratification vs long term peace of mind. You can have one or the other.

You might be rewarded (heh... ov sorts) for that mindset. There are a few very intelligent people throwing that word around these days... 'depression'...

I can see it.