RPM has ZERO to do with rocker arm geometry. Before you do anything further, get ahold of Mike at B3 racing engines (b3racingengines.com) and let him help you fix the geometry BEFORE you bother to do anything else.

Bad geometry is bad geometry. RPM means nothing.

I have typed this out so many times in so many places it feels beyond redundant. I can tell you that a great number of engine builders have no idea about rocker arm geometry, let alone rocker arm geometry with a shaft system. I am certainly not an expert, but I learned a long time ago the hard way that you must fix it. It's crazy to say my RPM's are low so I can let it slide.

In 38 years of doing this I have seen more destruction and broken parts from rocker geometry and general valve train issues than almost anything else.

I can tell you that when you fix your geometry, you will have to buy longer pushrods.

Don't put it off. Fix it now.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston