The rear door panels finally came in! Now they have to be transferred over to the originals (metal backing and stainless strip at the top).

The windshield was ordered on Tuesday 5/23. Expected mid-next week, and hoping it's installed by the end of the week, then it's time for all the A pillar-header trim.

Once that's done, It's coming home with me, and I am taking it home. I will "nut and bolt" the car to ensure it's all properly torqued and safe underneath, and I have to reclock the torsion bars (I made a boo boo when putting the engine in, and when at ride height, the adjuster bolts stick out from the control arm and look stupid..). It's alignment time, and then I'll register the car, and DRIVE it to the upholstery shop to get the top done. After that, back to Richard's so we can put the rear interior in it.. And then she's DONE!!!


-Jarrod Pilone
'70 Plymouth RR Convertible with amazing custom paint(Tribute/Recreation/Whateveryouwannacallit)
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