Originally Posted By autoxcuda
Originally Posted By 68HemiB
My check to Tim is going out in today's snail mail, so color me there (with the new blue car).

Silly newbie question about logistics:

I am coming from out of town [stag], staying local to the track Wednesday night, and at the AirTel Thursday-Saturday nights. Therefore, I am homeless during the day Thursday. My trunk will be full of folding chair. ice chest, duffel bag, and the like. I would rather not putt around the course with all this stuff rattling around back there. Is there a place to leave my trunk junk in the pits/paddock area?


I'm bringing my computer race scales out for participants to use for free. Maybe figure out what a Hellcat exactly corner weighs to the tenth of a pound?

That almost makes me want to bring the BMW down to see exactly what it does weigh (it's pretty heavy - curb weight 3,700...).