I've been running E85 for years and the oil only gets milked if the engine is not getting warmed up enough or if there is another problem (leaking head gasket).

Do you run a thermostat? I have always run a 180 degree thermostat on E85 otherwise its difficult to get up to temp. I never run the fan/water after parking the car after a pass ...let it heat soak ...unless very late round robin.

On the final pass of the day I'll leave the fan off and water pump on so the engine is 190-200 before driving into the trailer. OEM cars run 220+ and Nascar runs crazy high temps so getting the temp up to 200 is not going to hurt anything.

33 Plymouth Roadster - 383 - 5.90 1/8th 9.58 1/4
68 Dart - 340
66 Belvedere - 400

Windy Hollow Garage - https://www.youtube.com/@windyhollowgarage