This thread has turned into a complete train wreck.

I don't know why any promoter would even want to try to put on an event because no matter how good it goes more than likely someone will bash you over something that they felt wronged about.

Serious racers are going to go to the race where they can win the most $$$$$.
They're not worried about it only being Mopars.

I agree with what was said about specific brand (Mopar) events are as much about having fun by being there with people that are into the brand that you all like.

I freely admit I "play" at the race track, I'm there to have fun and hang out with friends.
I try not to embarrass myself too badly when I make a pass.
Most of all I want to have a good time.

This thread was about Monster Mopar events but it's turned into a bash-fest.

I don't see the point in publicly bashing any promoter.
If you have a problem take it to them personally.
If you have a problem with Indy Cylinder Head why are you bashing an employee here on Moparts and not talking directly to ICH?

Communication from the Promoters is key to making people happy.

It looks like Monster Mopar at Gateway is probably dead.
Scott won't answer his phone (nothing new there).

If it fits your budget and travel plans Monster Mopar at Kilkare and Norwalk are scheduled events.

What ever events you go to, try and enjoy yourself.

Life is too short to spend it being bitter over trivial things.

Kayse can't keep up at all now. lol