IMHO diaper rules makes some sense, much more so than 2 year belts, ect, all the things where your buying new stuuf when you allready have one thats still good. Dont live there anymore but couple years back Salt Lake City Rocky Mountain Raceways put in a diaper rule, all cars 10.99 or quicker, we were all pretty upset about it, couple of guys either quit running there, some just quit. The rest of us bought cheap diapers. Mine had the hole in the side velcro strapped above the link. I never needed mine, luckily, but I just raced there 2 years after the rule went into effect. But it did improve the overall racing. The oil cleanups went down quite a bit, didnt have near as many of the whole damn track ones. Cost me and everyone else a couple hundred bucks, but overall have decided it was a good deal. The RMR track crew was never known for fast cleanups, even though they had decent equipment, but it helped cut that issue, and had to help the guys who lost an engine on the top end. I did see one of the mopar diapers with the drag link hole contain a rod through the pan pretty well, think thats one time that they did maybe get it right.