Ahhhh 2006 Billy. That's back when the house we just sold for 129k would have brought 225k in a week. Back when we had 9 guys in the shop and you could still knock down 120-130 hrs a pay period....now 80 is "ok", and were at six techs. Those were different times.

Heck back in those days I even threw the Mirada in the trailer to make a 18hr round trip drive for a single day Mopar event at Sacramento. I'm thinking at that level a retaining device wouldn't break the deal, but then again, I do realize their is always that proverbial straw that breaks the camels back. I'm at the other end of the stupidity spectrum. I feel my combo coming together should be nines capable, and am preparing for such...... and I don't even run a class. Waste of money? Probably... but it should be fun for awhile!!