
From one of your posts in the old thread

with the clutch, pressure plate, d-shaft and trans out there was no vibration at any rpm.
put in new clutch, pressure plate, flywheel (refurbished from brewers), rebuilt transmission, new throw out bearing, and the vibration is still there

Re read that several times and think it through, the answer appears to be somewhere in the second sentence of the above quote

Refurbished flywheel from a well known, all Mopar transmission guy?

The camera angle was weird on that pic as the flywheel looks even all the way around once fully under the car. It won't budge anywhere with a pry bar. I'll be able to talk with my dad tomorrow to see what the plan of attack is.

edit: also, the vibration is not as bad as it used to be before all of these new parts were put on it. It wasn't jarring or anything horrible, just enough to annoy you. But most of that subsided. Since we have been working on this problem, it has gone 2-300 miles at the most. That's including the old set up and when the problem appeared. So he hasn't driven it much at all because of it, just don't want you all to think that he's been driving it all around with this problem.
I've driven my super bee 25,000 miles on a transmission and bell set up that we did years ago. Have had my transmission in and out 3 times since I've owned it. Not saying mistakes don't happen, but we've done this in the past and no problems.

Also to clarify exactly what the vibration was felt in all of these scenarios:
-At a dead stop with clutch pushed in and revved up and with clutch released when revved up.
-Driving, no particular speed was it felt at, only at the rpm level. (Just the same thing as if it was at a dead stop).
So really that takes out the driveshaft, although I understand "good" pinion angle is not guaranteed.
Would the possibility of poorly welded front floor pans cause a flex on the area where the transmission mount is....? Trying to think out of the box .
I still will investigate all ideas you all have written. I really do appreciate it everyone

Last edited by 68Killerbee; 07/25/13 08:18 AM.