
Many thanks for the replies.

The complexity of the casting itself is not lost on me.

Financially speaking, I see this as a high-risk, zero-reward proposition. My eyes are wide open on that one.

But simply, as far as the cars are concerned, I think this is something that needs to be done. Were I the lucky owner of a brand-new '69 M-code dart, I'd have thrown those manifolds in the dumpster immediately, like most everyone else did.

My set were taken of after 13 miles, put on a shelf till i bought them,still factory fresh and so glad he saved them. I'm standing on the fence on this issue because the manifold is one of the items that define an M-code unlike taillights, grills,etc. Will it degrade the real cars? Who's to say. Accurate ex. made some C-body manifolds for this car in place of original, i'm thinking of doing this and have the real one in the trunk,scared of cracking it. I plan on driving mine.