I don't have an M code anything (except my Superbee ) but if I did I'd be all over this like a starving man on a loaf of bread. Deposits on parts not made are investments. And like any investment there is a risk. Most of the time you win, some of the time you lose. If I needed the manifold and it required a $600 deposit with another $600 at delivery, all I'd say is "who do I make the check out to?". IMHO it's worth the gamble. As to the look of the repop, make it look as exact as possible. On the back, non-visible, side of the manifold cast some identifier that shows it as a repop. That way on the car it looks original, in your hands you can tell it isn't. None of this is difficult, just costly.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".