



Would making a bigger run bring down the cost ?

yeah it would but I do not know if there would be enough demand. The more they could sell the cheaper they could be.

I think you could sell more than 10 ? How many would it take to get the price down to say $750 ?

from what I was told they might not go that low as the casting and finishing cost alone is close to $600 as they are such a hard design. The bonus on them is that the insides are actual cleaned out by hand which allows them to get the manifold to flow better than the original did, they will still flow badly as the design is not good but they should flow a little better. I am not the one doing the run they are just using my core but I would say they will probably have to keep them up close to $1000 but if there was enough demand who knows as it is the tooling cost he needs to offset and that is not cheap!!

I actually have flow bench numbers that show the driver side A body manifold flows just as good as the B body driver side.