
If the cost went from 1200 per manifold to 6500 would you be all over it? Casting went from 6500 to 25000 due to intricacy of the lower section on these pinched manifolds. Went from a simple sand cast to a complicated aluminum fill. Sand cast would of cracked under any stress. So the math doesn't make it practical.


I don't have an M code anything (except my Superbee ) but if I did I'd be all over this like a starving man on a loaf of bread. Deposits on parts not made are investments. And like any investment there is a risk. Most of the time you win, some of the time you lose. If I needed the manifold and it required a $600 deposit with another $600 at delivery, all I'd say is "who do I make the check out to?". IMHO it's worth the gamble. As to the look of the repop, make it look as exact as possible. On the back, non-visible, side of the manifold cast some identifier that shows it as a repop. That way on the car it looks original, in your hands you can tell it isn't. None of this is difficult, just costly.

Not to appear pissy here, but I'll repeat myself. At $1200 for the manifold:

1) I'd want one
2) I'd be willing to take a chance on it coming together

I think what you are trying to ask is "If you put your $600 down and then found out the finished product was going to be $6500, would you stay in the game and be willing to pay another $5900?" Answer: Probably not.

I'll ask your next question for you, "Would you try to get your $600 deposit back?". Of course I would try. If however it had been spent to discover the new price was now $6500, well, like I said before, sometimes investments pay off, sometimes they don't. You just have to put on your big boy pants and move on.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".