

this logic cracks me up

a valid reason doesn't make a fake tag any less fake!

if a stupid missing piece of tin bothers you so much
put a blank one on the car!

that is the most "correct" way

Actually, using your logic one would not be permitted to replace any part of the car that was removed, damaged/rusted etc because. Or if one were to replace that part with one of the correct size and type it would be deemed 'fake'. Alternatively, if one really wanted the part replaced - one must replace it with something that does not appear original.

A bit of a stretch for even the most anal of car hobbyists.

A better approach:
Fake tag: one made with the intent to deceive or lack of approriate care to ensure its accuracy - no disclosure made

Reproduction tag: one made to replace a damaged or missing original, using the best available knowledge to do so (original tag, rubbing, photograph, BCS etc) - full disclosure made

i'm talking about a single part that is unique to each car
once gone it cannot be duplicated..
most of the other parts can be duplicated or interchanged between cars ..
the only tags that are accurate "reproductions"
have been copied from a existing tag
not something reverse engineered from a piece of paper
or imagination by some
so called "expert"

don't twist my logic or words!
i will be happy to explain if you do not understand!

you can go with the logic that a faketag is better
then none at all
all a fake tag does for me,
is put everything in question!
i've heard plenty of stories..