So are you saying that every tag has the exact info and is perfect on every car and has no info that is wrong or not correct?? We all know that that these tags have wrong info on them or deleted info. We all have seen build sheets with more options listed than the fender tag. I have seen examples all over the internet. Maybe you should read my post again and get your facts straight. I will state the facts for you again. We all know there is FAKE cars out there with good docs.Doesn't make the car any less FAKE to me but hey its got a correct fender tag but the whole car is FAKE. We all know that fender tags right from the factory have wrong info on them. And as far as my car goes I have never and never will try to pass my fender tag off as the original. As I said if you are FAKING a car then shame on you but if you want a tag on the fender that was lost or stolen then I see no problem with having one made. Too much being put on a document{ FENDER TAG} that is not reliable with incorrect information or wrong information or deleted information or left out information and they are also inconsistent from factory to factory. So why give a document that much clout with that many flaws. Please!!! Talk about BS!!!! Larry J OUT!!!