God what a pain in the butt something as simple as removing wheels can be. Well, I lifted the rear and put it on stands and as I was trying to untighten the lugs, I realized I didn't engage the parking brake and remembered why some said they liked to loosen the nuts when the car's on the ground. So I bring it on the ground, apply the Parking brake, pump the brakes about 10 times (although this probably didn't do anything due to a faulty MC), put some wheel stops in front of the wheel I'm trying to loosen and man, parking brake doesn't work. I was able to loosen the passenger rear, but I'm having trouble with the driver's side. I'm pushing it both ways as hard as I can without having the car roll forwards or back (because it wants to move over the stops and I can't remember if the Driver's side is a LHT), but these bolts feel like they haven't been loosened since the car was bought new (same as passenger side but they were able to slip).

Any or tips will be appreciated... I was thinking WD40 might loosen it up, but I don't think I have any at home.