Ok, some interesting responses to my post (hits some nerves eh?). Keep in mind that my current project is a small block A-body, and I chose it because I love the looks, it's certainly not been a cheap car to restore! My "A-body guys are cheap" comment was tongue in cheek, not a looking down my snob nose at the lowly A-body crowd I assure you. That said I have to say that over the years of observing this hobby there is a strong eliment of truth/fact to that comment, although "cheap" is probably a bit harsh, it's more likely that it's a matter of affordability and that A-body cars have generally been at the lower end of the value scale, I.E. affordable to the average working stiff (put me in that catagory).

Ok, so a straight answer to the OP question?

IMO It's a combo of many things in no specific order:

* Not needed to make equal or POSSIBLY slightly more power over a 4 barrel

* Affordability

* Small "clone crowd" with the TA and AAR's being the sole factory SB 6 pack cars.

* Tunability (although I don't see this as an issue at all, some are intimidated by all those carbs!)

I think the single biggest reason that most run 6 packs on small blocks is visiual appeal, they do look super cool when you pop the hood