The current body man that agreed to do all the metal work, body work and paint work and I had a meeting recently. We agreed that he will finish all of the metal work and that will be the end of our transaction. It bums me out because the guy is super talented, but due to 2 different helpers of his quitting, his realizing that his initial quote was very conservative to do the car and the fact that he has 3 other cars he has made commitments to get done this year, it just was the best choice for both of us. I have contacted another guy that has done work for me and my family/friends about finishing the car after the metal work is done and he has penciled me in to have the car brought to him this fall. Body man #1 promised me that the car will be solid and in primer by mid april, so we'll see about that. It would be nice to see my car get some attention soon, but it looks like it may end up sitting until November after I get it back in April. On the bright side, I have a ton of other components to keep me busy.

All of the Dash components are done, Im just waiting on getting the frame back from paint. I'll post those pics soon as it should be together this March.