Is this still Moparts the Best Mopar Site on the internet?????

I am use to hearing this kind of talk at the track before they see my Mopar run,but to hear it on a Mopar site.

WAKE UP PEOPLE Quit bad mouthing all that Indy stuff(you can buy it from dealers on here not Indy)and start buying it and put it on your cars. :cool

Its time you all stop down to them x-brand cars.

Its true I may spend a lot of Hard earned $$$$ on my Mopar but them x-brand people have to down to me,not the other way around.

Stand up for your fellow MOPAR Racers,never to them furds & chebbies AGAIN!!!!

"To Be The Man'You Have Got To Beat The Man" "T/D and Pro-Bracket Racer"