i see barry at the grocery store from time to time..
the last time...around thanksgiving..i said..how are things going...?
and a guy who is usually sort of reserved yet up beat ..
was kind of somber and not upbeat...i found it odd..but i figured ..we all have our bad days..?
i suppose its been hard..like alot of us..
While i agree i think he got too big too fast and just couldnt keep up..from a service perspective. i sort of feel he figured it would always go in the upward direction..and at some point he would get a handle on it..
.I know he hired on anyone he thought would do a good job for him...but i didnt seem to pan out.....?
he has alot of passion..and how can you fault a guy who took something from dirt..and made it as far as he did...?
i am really surprised he couldnt sell it off..?
anyway..i dont begrudge anyone who is trying to make it in this economy...especially someone in our industry..
no doubt the dead wood is falling off the tree.

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