
I disagree. I could see not wanting straight mindless bashing, but when a guy posts "would this be a good head to use" I would assume that quality and value are part of his question.

Yes, thank you.

Basically I was just wanting to know if these were a decent head for a mild 383 as I described. I appreciate everyone's input. I also thought in the back of my mind that I may use these down the road on a bigger build later on. I have a very good idea now of what I'm dealing with, because I've never dealt with this company before and I trust all of your input no matter who agrees on what.

What I'm narrowing it down to is if $1000 for a set of these heads is worth spending VS $500 or so to rework the old 906's. I'm leaning towards getting them, I just didn't understand the whole "swapping springs, locks and retainers" comments when I was only going with a slightly bigger cam. The reason being I have a set of Edelbrocks on a 440 with a 292/.509 cam, didn't change anything on the heads and haven't had a single problem with anything. I was asssuming these would be comparable to the Edelbrocks.