
On behalf of SDCE, I would like to comment on your post.

We do still offer the carb hats for those interested. Unfortunately we do not have any in stock and were waiting for the foundry to make more. Then our shop was flooded...and that pushed our entire schedule back.

Yes, we did take a beating on the turbo forums with the info that was posted at the time. We're not sure how that entire post went the way it did, but hey, that's the internet for you.

As far as how many hats "blew up"....here is where we need to clear the air. It was only ONE hat that was misused and failed. When that customer expressed an interest in purchasing our hat, we had many phone conversations with him and because he was local, we even offered FREE CHASSIS DYNO TUNING after hearing what some of his past experiences were.
He opted to do it himself, and the end result is all over the forum.

So the bottom line is of the 300 or so SDCE hats out there, only one failed.

We have MANY years of research into that hat design. It was originally created in 1998.

Yeah I went back & re-read those couple post about your hat couple weeks ago, 98% of those guys posting on those posts were morons who could not grasp the fact that the amount of A/F mix in your hat VS: an EX Velocity would be tremendously different, incredible difference in surface area, & obviously yours will experience a ton more pressure during a back fire than a much smaller hat. I just laughed my ass off when they were all saying about how they've backfired an EX V hat & never had it blow apart etc. They can't even seem to grasp simple concepts such as volume & pressure etc.

I really wish I had one of your hats to test with when we dynoed this thing... I just did not realize how BAD the EX V hat was until I saw it with own eyes on the EGT's.... otherwise I would have had enough forethought to have some other brand hats lined up for testing. Yours & maybe the Vortech are about best looking internal designs I have found...

We just put my motor in the car this weekend & had to re-do some more exhaust plumbing, that was fun for the 3rd or 4th time. & Now I'm fairly sure the new carb hat is'nt going to clear the hood even with my 6" Cowl....(need an 8") We're gonna put hood on this weekend & see for sure what's gonna happen. But I can tell you the hat will get re-done long before I re-do that damn hood.

Hopefully I can get it fired this weekend & make couple preliminary blasts with it with no hood.

I will be doing a 493" INDY SR motor here in near future with an S480 on it & will look into getting one of your hats down here for dyno testing.