
That looks like the same route I took with mine. Probably because I used the SDCE piece as a model.I did it so that I could run the flat hood.Mine is made from 1/8" plate for the base,a 14" air cleaner lid for the top,and some hardware store .032"sheet metal wrapped around for the sides. I also made a short "velocity stack" about 3/4" tall at the carb. inlet and put an epoxy cone in the lid to get the air to"turn the corner".It has a 3" inlet and some directional vanes to direct the air into the carb. from all sides instead of just one. I think the internal volume of the whole thing helps too as it slows the air down before it's asked to do a 90 degree turn. After I had it all welded up I capped it up and tested it at 25 P.S.I. Much to my surprise it didn't split!

Sounds like it is similar except for maybe how you have the inside done, there are no directional vanes in it....

This one inside is hard to describe, but I'll try....

Basically he took a portable air tank, & cut the end off if it, for the top.... the bottom I think is a 2.3 Ford Flexplate.... cut hole in middle for the carb... It has 3" inlet on side, & then it has like a 3" tall cone the size of the carb flange that goes up into the center of the hat, so when the air comes in the inlet it can go left or right smoothly around a round "cone" but is blocked from taking a direct path right into the carb it has to go left, right or up..

& then we had a 1" spacer to raise it high enough to clear the needle/seats.

I see Vortech has a similar looking piece to SDCE also, would like to see both of those in person.