
Why don't you just take a sawsall to the base of both upright supports, cut them, position the engine (with a hoist) and bolt it to the stand? Then re-tack the uprights, remove the stand and weld solid? Seems like about a 15 minute job to me, and then you would be done. They may have been moved for some reason already, it kind of looks like it in the pics.

Well the major problem to all of this is that I don't have direct access to a welder- the best I could do is have someone else do the welding. Not difficult to find someone but it's just one more pain to deal with....

However, I've been doing some thinking and I'm wondering if it would be better if I added the engine mounts to the block, THEN attached the dolly. I'll be trying that today - failing that then I guess it's off to the welders to have some mods done to the dolly

'69 Dodge Charger R/T