
sadly it's not my story it's your buddy's

jeff r

Yeah but your trying to tell it and weren't there.Your versions sound like many of Asops Fables from our childhood reading lessons,Brer Rabbit verses Berer Fox or The Tortoise and The Hare,The Lion and the Fox,Man bites Dog and many others.Stories,yes,facts no,but lessons and morals to everyone.In each story someone got the best of someone or outsmarted someone else.I was at the Nats with many others and have our ticket stubs to prove it.So enlighten all of us with your second hand accounts or just your opinion.If it's your opinion,then it's like a butthole,everyone has one,some bigger than others. If your smart,and I think you are,best to let a sleeping dog lay,if not then I was wrong.

Last edited by B G Racing; 08/30/10 04:06 PM.