
If y'all like racing with fellow Moparites then start your own events from scratch and see how much effort need to be put into it.

This is the single most intelligent comment in this thread. I've been fortunate to see racing from every side, as a racer, a racetrack employee, and as an employee of a race promoter renting a track for a three day event. If it was easy, everyone would do it! Over the years I've watched people hemmorage money because they promised a payout and things went bad, be it weather, lack of attendance, bad planning. It looks so easy when you watch from the sidelines and you say "They have all of our money, they must be getting rich!" There is SO much work involved, wooing sponsors, figuring out entries and payout, working with tracks and their crews, hoping that everything can go just right...and you might make a profit. Turn it into a multi race series, and it's that much harder. I know of one promoter who had $10,000 of his own money in his motorhome just in case things went wrong at his race. He didn't need it, but the chance was there. So if you can do better and have the coin, step up! If not, lets hope this mess gets resolved and that at some point we get SOME kind of series that we can attend and support.

Ron H.
"Just when you think you have all of the answers...I change the questions!" "Rowdy" Roddy Piper