All my talks with Charlie and Eddie have been positive for the CCs at Norwalk and future CC Events.Plans are already in the making for next seasons events.Unfortunately all the sidebar issues are a distraction and lead to rumors and assumptions.I will not involve myself or the members of BGR on commenting on the personal issues of those involved since it is none of our business.Like many post that tend to "dramatize" certain events and issues,I can only make an observation that it serves no positive purpose and only deminishes the character of those that thrive on trying to bring their "dirty laundry" and air it in a venue dedicated to our sport.Please keep the back alley brawling and cheap shots privately between the private parties and let us enjoy or sport.I personally have put my personal feelings aside on many occasions in order to enjoy our racing events and the people that share a common interest even if some have pissed me off,I get over it and move on,"Life is too short",belive me I know and respect an try to enjoy each and every day.
Respectfully Bob