


well here it is,i know alot about your car Mark,uncle anthony was gonna sell your cal tracs to my pop..i dont know,maybe it was new yrs booze that made you say,what you did.I will say this though we both live in LI and if theres a prob...we can see each other. I am very friendly with Carl,John Nielson,CHUCK,big PAUL etc etc.

LOL, i know you know those guys and and i'm sure thats where you got the your so called (you know alot about my car from uncle anthony) we have another mutual friend that doesn't like when you come on here and talk like you been racin everybody and i said i would break your balls.i have nothing against you and i actually like your car alot. as far as the mutual friend, you'll have to figure that one out.as far as you knowing about my motor and car and all that, its never been a secret,i just dont come on here talkin about how fast this or how much that! as far as seeing each other- i go out to dinner about twice a month with uncle anthony and everybody you mentioned, we can meet face to face anytime you want.

Be careful Mark or they will delete this thread. Post your engine combo instead. Later, Chuck.

don't worry chuck,i'm done. my car will do the talkin!