Make sure you have three wires going to your + side of the Coil.

  • Dark blue - this powers your ignition from your key when the key is in the 'run' position.

  • Brown this powers the ignition during cranking.

  • Red this powers the MSD and goes to the distributor.

If you are looking at the bulk head connector (three connectors at this bulkhead) for these wires, it should be the middle connector.

It will be colored like this on one side of the connector.

Dark blue ignition 'key on'
Black This used to go to your alternator but you cut this when you put the battery in the trunk
Brown ignition 'during crank'
violet you may not have this one as it goes to the temperature sending unit on the stock motor

Remember Mopars need two wires to power the ignition, one for cranking and one for when the motor is running.

5998128-msdignition.jpg (40 downloads)

Allen Here's a novel idea, let's not throw a bunch of parts at the car hoping it will fix the problem and instead spend a little time diagnosing it first. Life was a little easier when I was just a wrench.