


The new XFI has a function for boost by MPH and you can set your curve to whatever you want and I have done this on lots of street cars and it works great. and you can set the traction control very aggressive for tire spin. Just a thought.

Most EMS systems have a VSS based boost control. But I've found that people who strike the right balance between it and the TCS are few and far between. If it's on your drivewheels or off the tailshaft you better have perfect traction, otherwise your boost is raising as it sees the higher VSS signal due to the wheelspin.

Thus, more wheelspin.

Yeah, I know how it works since I did suggest it. I was just adding another option for the guy. Good luck with your project . If you have any more questions seems the "EXPERTS" are already here I'll just keep out of it.

Don't take it to heart. The facts are what they are sadly. Most people sutrggle to get that particular combination right, hence why you see just about every racer working with the NLR AMS-1000 now.

I don't see it as any better of a solution, and it too has it's own faults to be aware of when using it.

The setup you described is certainly great, so long as some effort and care is put in to it. That was my point.

Thanks for the ego boost though.

Aaron M