Do you really think it looks good as a professional business man to take cheap pot shots at someone who is just commenting on a public forum?

You, on the other hand are stopping just short of 100% perfection just to save a few bucks, and make your part more affordable for the general public. I'm certain REM had the same mindset when they put generic speaker cut outs in their rear parcel shelves right before selling thousands of them...and we just bought them up...

Now you're comparing a correctly made part without a Penta Star with a package tray made incorrectly that wouldn't require licensing anyway? You are obviously much smarter than everyone else, I had no clue speaker slots fell under a trademark infrigment.

Please don't take the comment about the metal replacement on FJ6 as nothing short of bragging on your tallent. I was very impressed with how you were able to replace every inch of metal, short of some small areas around some sort of number, and end with a perfect numbers matching car. You're the one that published it in a public forum for everyone. If it was a cheap shot, I was only following your lead.