
I don't understand why BGR can't finish the engine assembly lesson.

...You know the engine parts that need work so they will work as advertised that are from a vendor who advertises on moparts...

Perhaps some simple moderating of such a thread would alleviate the BS that oozes into it and we all would be the wiser...Bad guys win every time it seems...

Don't worry,BGR will finish the build and will share all our findings and the performance of the build.A member here is getting the engine and will give his imput also.Brandon and Jeff didn't deter me,the mods deleted or locked the wrong person,I have no personal agenda and understand it takes sponsers to maintain a site but if the truth can't be presented,the dis-service is to the members and users.The findings were independent and the oppertunity was there for for "The Source" and "Others" to refute,defend or whatever.I wasn't bashing and I'am intitled to my opinion as everyone else.It's not my site so I have to to who ever makes the final discision.If BGR was taking the time and effort to provide facts and info to the members we should have been commended,not only are members missing out on the Source build,but a 540" Indy as well as others.Who knows we could have gone on with trans builds,chassis builds and many other projects to share at no cost to anyone nor having to travel.I didn't see anyone else willing to do this.Not trying to offend anyone,just my opinion,agree to disagree,just like pinion angles.Leave censorship for ignorant people and third world countries,Like Fox,BGR,fair and balanced.

Last edited by B G Racing; 02/03/10 02:37 PM.