Just what does one do to an 833 to make it live on the street and track with 600 hp?

Loaded question, answer... not much.

Street needs synchros, track needs pro rings or faceplate. one or other not both for optimum perf.

Internals are set, can only rebuild and inspect so nothing there.

Installation, follow standard procedures established long ago.

the only variable you have is the clutch and that is not part of the 833.

put in a slipper clutch and adjust it to your needs. on track and street settings will be different.

How you abuse trans will determine life of it.
for an old factory pc it is very good, like a dana, not much to do with it.

It is the surrounding components that need the focus.

As far as stroker smallblocks, not a rellevant issue in regards to longevity. That is another topic.
Big or small, stroke or destroke, hemi or SB2, hp and tork are the 2 entities you are dealing with and how to couple that to the pavement.

just how many people run this stuff?
go to bracket race and compete with 400 dorkflites and maybe a stick or 2.

try umtrdragrace.com, more 3 peddlers hang there.

to do it right, you will need to start with something like this...