
Maybe Dave W and/or Mike can chime in to let us know how the process to make the driveshaft look so good.I know many hours,but what steps,materials,grades of sandpaper,etc is used.Last time I looked outside I still see 24+ of snow to melt so I got time...

It all depends on the original condition of your drive shaft, The drive shaft in the tube trick works great if the drive shaft is not pitted real bad, if it is pitted you need to sand and polish working your way down to fine paper. but the part numbers on drive shafts are very shallow and go away quick, I use the Evapo rust (about 1 1/2 gallons (Harber freight) has it, put the drive shaft in a 6' piece of 4" pvc pipe capped on one end, let the drive shaft soak for 24 hrs. remove it and was it off real well, then I use steel wool to polish it, take the torch and heat all of the welds to re-blue them, paint the cast ends with cast spray, take a file to the original grinding marks on the yokes, install some DETROIT u-joints and your there, seal the whole shaft with plasti cote, and wipe it down with very fine wool to take the shine off after it is dry, originally these drive shafts looked like new steel exhaust pipe, it is very hard to replocate this look if the shaft is rusty to start with, hope this helps you. Rich

5814100-driveshaft1.JPG (276 downloads)