

I'm extremely jellous on two levels.

First of all, it seems that everyone is in love with this restorer and this job. Don't get me wrong, it looks wonderful. But, if I spent 542 hours on a body like that one, the membership here would crucify me. Likewise, when we document and restore parts as they came on the car, I'm told that it's still wrong and that it has to be how the masses expect it to be regardless of the way it was originally built.

Most importantly, I had that car bought, sort of. I worked with Denny all weekend at the Nats and had agreed upon all of the details. But he had a very important timetable that would have to slip because I needed a few more days to pull together the funds.

Nothing against the OP or the seller. They both did what needed to be done. I didn't want a stupid FM3 car anyway!

What I did was present my one and only offer and showed Dennis the cash on Friday and to come see me if he was interested. It worked pretty simple, he showed up Saturday late afternoon accepting the offer, then I paid for the car and we were on our way within an hour to drop the car off at my shop and returned that same night for vending Sunday.

I do all my own cars so if I choose to spend that much time for the level of perfection I expect so be it, they're my cars. If I were restoring cars for a living I certainly couldn't do them that way. So, what exactly was your intent with this post, is it to promote your 25K max jobs? Are you upset someone was able to step up with the jack to pay for the T/A?

Actually, I was being completely truthful and honest. I'm quite jellous. The car is truly beautiful. You have it and I don't.

I was also trying to inject a little humor as evidenced by my last paragraph with crybaby icon. I guess that isn't appreciated here.

It was my first trip to the nats and I enjoyed it very much. I wasn't looking to buy anything but even if I were, I never would have brought $35k in cash with me.

The better man won, plain and simple.

I'm still jellous and there's nothing you can do about it.

Martin, GA Quality Auto Restoration with Fair FIXED Pricing. Fast-N-Dangerous@comcast.net