
....I wish I had a picture of the mark she made but here we are under the car. I had a splash of white paint on the parking brake cable adjusting nut and I was showing her where to paint...

I'll guarantee you Troy, that pretty little girl you have can duplicate those paint dabs way better than we can. Could you imagine inspecting the same stuff everyday? Especially after the old liquid lunch that was so socially tolerated back then. It might of resembled a matador fighting a bull, ha take that, wow there’s another one for you, woops missed one (I’ll get the next one twice). Could you imagine bending over after a tough night bowling with the guys to get the bottom of the rockers painted? Or the guy just got engaged and he has “happy feet” and doesn’t miss a thing?

We put to much into this stuff, if you have a general understanding of the angles of spray, the application of paint during the assembly line paint process and do it with your eyes closed it will be perfect factory. Don’t get so jammed up on existing survivors because everyone is different, the actual process of painting and assembly is far more important. When simulating paint over sprays, after studying proper angles and applications, paint it like you’re selling the car and can’t wait to get it out of your garage. When you’re done, your angles of spray are correct and you think it looks like crap then it’s perfect.