95% of the local drag race cars have carburetors. There are a few guys who run nitrous, and a couple that have a turbo or supercharger. Most of the power adder types seem to be the casual racers who come out three or four times a year just to see how fast their car is and then they go back into hiding.

If I was building a race only car I would stick with a carburetor based on what I see. The carbureted cars seem to be the most consistant and as a result they are also the last ones standing at the end of the day. Some of the turbo cars top-end like crazy, but they can't put together two good passes back to back. They usually end up missing their dial-in by a mile. Turbo cars don't seem to 60' very quick so the guys running them get overly excited at the tree and redlight.

My brother occasionally pits for a guy who has a 7-8 second turbo charged car and it's hard to drive. It's either on or off and when it's on it's difficult to control on a marginally prepped track. 1000+hp is probably a lot of fun in perfect conditions, but it does more harm than good if the track is cold or poorly prepped.