Some basic numbers...
Initial timing should be 12-16°. You will have to limit the mechnical advance in the distributor which is adjustable. You want a mechanical advance of 20°. So your total, checked with either a tming light that has the advancing function, or a timing tape installed on the balancer will be 32-36. This is with the vacuum advance disconnected and the port on the carb plugged.
On the carb, I would use the tuning book and go two steps richer on power and cruise from the correct factory installed jet and rod combo. Use the colored springs that match the vacuum level on a gage when idling in gear after the timing is set. You will be readjusting the idle speed, mixture, and probably the step up springs will be changed again when everything else is close. If once you have the rest dialed in, it still has a hesitation, then you can add the squirtor. The deal is tho... squirtor have NO effect on fuel volume being sprayed. Only the time it takes to shoot it all out. Going larger may cover the bog but it will be lean at part throttle acceleration because the accelerator pump will be empty before the air has picked up enough speed thru the boosters to draw fuel properly. This is why I use them as a last resort, and why I almost never have to change them. Even on Holleys. Just stay focussed and you will not believe how much nicer an old "non-rocket science" car can run.

Well, art is art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water! And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now, uh... Now you tell me what you know.