
It is spelled DEXRON. There is no T in it. Use it in your +3 or +4 or +5 transmission at your own risk, is my humble opinion.

I can't believe it, people will spend zillions of dollars changing the engine oil every 2000 or fewer miles yet cheap out on buying the correct transmission fluid. Does anyone else out there see a logical disconnect in that thinking?
If you build your own transmissions and want to experiment it's not my call anyway. You know exactly what kinds of materials are in the box.

If you think you can outsmart the Chrysler engineers go ahead, it's your money. I once replaced a missing quart of DEXRON III with a quart of power steering fluid, never saw any problems from that. But I was worried for a while.


I had my 727 trans redone with a Turbo Action valve body (also their TC). The instructions were to use Dexron III. It has leaked like a sieve between the rear and front case, moreso when it's parked than when it's hot. I didn't figure that out until I changed the pan gasket three times and finally pulled the trans. Is it the Dexron III? Should I use something other than what Turbo Action says to use with their equipment?