Originally Posted by B1MAXX
Originally Posted by Cab_Burge
Removing the nut is the easy part, it is them dang taper hubs that suck getting off, especially the driver side puke rant
I forgot to add heating up with a torch to cherry red will help also if your using a puller up scope wrench

I hear ya but I cant believe that a sledge won't take it off in a few whacks if we're not trying to save anything from the backing plate out.

I can, BTDT, years ago had one launch into the next work bay fortunately nothing was in it's path. That is when I learned to leave the nut on as not only would it have prevented the launch, it would have also prevented the mushrooming of the axle They can be an SOB to get off. other times not.

i have also heard that loosening the nut a turn or so and driving the car around L & R turns will sometimes break them loose. never tried it though beer