Can't help you there, but I also live where I HATE the politics, but love where I live. California has decent property taxes, especially if oyu have owned your house for a long time ($400k house, $2k/year taxes). Auto registration is too high ($149 for my 2000 Durango), gas is unreasonable, sales tax is too high. BUT, California, while having a high income tax, doesn't tax SS (not quite half of our income). In a little more than 2 hours I can be in Monterey and get some great seafood or just feel the ocean breeze. In an little more than an hour I can be at the south gate of Yosemite National Park. And, due to the relative low value of our home I couldn't sell and buy up for less money pretty much anywhere in the country.

Add up EVERYTHING, taxes and expenses. Compare weather and amenities. AND, understand that politics is fluid and where you move may resemble where you left in the future...