Overall, couldn't be happier with the car and the event as a whole. It did better than I thought with the gear change and extra weight, and I do think I can get another tenth or two out of it before swapping heads over the winter. Am absolutely hooked on drag and drives- this one was easy compared to Drag Week or Rocky Mountain Race Week standards due to the shorter distances, but I also went out of my way on multiple days just for the adventure and opportunity. The official route was something like 425 miles, I ended the trip with 760 on the car when it was pulled onto the trailer on Friday.

Also can't stress enough how awesome the spectators were, both on the side of the road and also specifically at Great Lakes Dragaway. If any D&D event goes through GLD, I'm going to do everything I can to sign up again. Was thinking I'd take next year off due to work, but am already reconsidering that and am going to try to have the car a little faster and also make time to do it, regardless of my work schedule.

The few faster Chicago area guys I talked to had all done Drag Week before. Dino, and Chris Roscoe, who was at my hotel on the last day, both said they liked this better. It was a well run event, and anybody considering one of these definitely needs to just get out and do it!

'18 Ford Raptor, random motorcycles, 1968 Plymouth Fury III - 11.37 @ 118