Day 4 - Tri State in Earlville, Iowa

D class was running last today as well so I wasn't in a super huge hurry, but we were woken up by Devin Vanderhoof's 6 second, 275 radial Mustang convertible starting at 6:15 am. Grabbed breakfast, then took off, again briefly stopping for fuel and the required morning supplies of Red Bull, water and ice. One thing I haven't mentioned yet- you literally can't go anywhere on one of these without somebody asking about it. Either in town, at a gas station, at a stoplight, or whatever. The towns love it, and it's really unique. I'm jaded as that doesn't happen in Detroit, but you really are a spectacle on these events.

We had to stop by the second checkpoint before the track- this one is special, it's the Field of Dreams movie site. Only a few race cars were there while I was, and we didn't spend much time there, but I did donate to the lady manning the information booth as it was really cool to see it in person and it looks like it's all volunteer run. Got to Tri State around 9, this time we were pitted on the grass. The humanity!!! lol

Did the usual unpack procedure, set the shocks, and I also decided to check lug torque and the u-bolts. Everything checked out. We had plenty of time so we decided to watch a bit of racing. The grandstand area is super cool, it's built into a hillside and the track itself was very nice. We were called to the lanes around 1pm. I ran a forgettable 12.51 @ 108.5, and turned it in immediately as it was close to my timeslip on day 1. This was the first track where the timeslip people were in the 3rd floor of the tower, and it was awesome to see the track from above- have never had that opportunity prior to this! Also weighed the car on the drive back as it was the only track with functioning scales- 4345# with me in it. Oof.

What I neglected to mention in the first part of this writeup - I'm in the dial your own class. Whatever you turn in on day 1 is your dial in, and then whomever has the tightest spread over the 5 days wins. I didn't know how good it was until tomorrow.

We loaded up, and then headed out for a quick detour. Many of you remember the Charger R/T I owned in the early 2000's. I sold it in 2008 to a nice gentleman in Iowa who finished it over the course of several years. He unexpectedly died, but his son Jeremy has the car now and we've kept in touch all these years. Jeremy pointed out that the Charger is only about a half hour from Tri State, and suggested I could go visit it. Knowing that opportunity may never present itself again, I absolutely had to detour to see it, and can't thank him enough for letting me see it and move it out of the garage for the photo opportunity with the Fury. The Fury and the Charger share drivetrain parts with that Imperial a few posts above, and it also couldn't be with a better home.

It's the nicest '68 Charger I've ever seen in person, the pics really don't do it justice!


'18 Ford Raptor, random motorcycles, 1968 Plymouth Fury III - 11.37 @ 118