Last few notes...

When I turned in my 12.47 to the timing ladies, Don O'Neil the Top Sportsman racer and pit announcer for the event saw the t-shirt I was wearing and came over immediately to talk to me. I've never met him before in my life, and he definitely doesn't know who I am. But I was wearing my Monte Smith Performance t-shirt that I bought from Monte on Drag Week in 2016. He apparently was a good friend and wanted a picture with me just because of the shirt!! We spent a good 10 minutes chatting about Monte and what he contributed to the drag racing scene. It's crazy how almost a decade later we're all still paying our respects to him.

After my passes I celebrated with the only track food I'd had all week- a walking taco from Cordova. Solid choice- apparently the chicken nuggets and french fries weren't anywhere near as good!

Loaded the car up and parked next to Dino from Chicago again, he was at the hotel in Rochelle on Monday night, and he'd just finished with his Vortech supercharged, LS3 Malibu. He'd driven there from Chicago with a U-haul trailer, Joe Barry style. Had a couple beers and BS'd with him, and it turns out he'd spent a bunch of time working in Detroit and was a bit of a foodie so we talked about all of the good spots locally. Went up for the awards ceremony, and ended up with a pile of free stuff that Don had tossed to the crowd- now have Strange and Callies banners that are hanging proudly in the garage.

Results for DYO got posted and my 12.47 was good enough for 9th place. Still don't regret spraying it instead. lol

Awards ended a bit after 9, and we drove to Milwaukee to stay with my parents for one more night before driving back early to Detroit so my trunk monkey could get home.

Of course, we had to have some spice on the trip. When I picked up the U-haul trailer, the tires were looking a little haggard but they didn't have another to use, and I'd hoped they would at least make it the 900 miles to and from Cordova. They almost made it... until one blew out on I-94 just after Chesterton, Indiana. Was able to watch it disintegrate in the sideview mirror- pulled off to the shoulder, contacted U-haul, and in about an hour they had a new tire/wheel installed on the trailer and we were able to finish the drive home.


'18 Ford Raptor, random motorcycles, 1968 Plymouth Fury III - 11.37 @ 118