Medicare Part A is hospital insurance. Medicare Part B is health insurance. Part C is basically an HMO, and Part D is prescription drugs. There are numerous supplemental plans that cover the 20% deductible in Medicare Part A and B.

Part A and B
Part C
Part D
Supplemental Plans

My wife and I live in a rural community and didn't want to take the chance of not being to use medical facilities that aren't in a Part C plan. So we have Part A and B. We both have supplement health insurance plans from different providers. The costs of these plans vary from provider to provider but the coverage is the same as it is mandated by the Feds. Part D, we go to our drugstore and they look at our drug usage, do the research, and recommend a plan.

So far after six years of this arrangement we have only paid about $20 out of pocket (other than the supplemental policies) for a drug that Medicare didn't cover.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".